The scammer who pretended to be an employee of the Treasury to steal ¢7 million approx $12,000 carried out this action from La Reforma prison. Three others were arrested because they received the money. One of the three was the scammer’s wife. All three were seen on cameras taking out money. They bought various appliances.
The man behind the scam is serving a 46-year sentence. He actually requested to die by lethal injection, wanting to spare his family the difficulty of having a relative in prison, but his request was denied.
From the prison module where the crime was committed, authorities confiscated nine cell phones, five chargers, a data card, doses of marijuana, chicha, and ten sharp weapons. In 2019, 1,918 cell phones have been confiscated. 14,847 have been found since 2015.
Authorities say that call centers are being operated out of modules in the prisons. In order to combat this they would need an officer in every room of every pavillion and that’s just not possible, they say. They have some rules to help combat this such as that if sheets are used to cover the windows they must be confiscated.
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