Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Costa Rican Resistance Facebook Page Taken Down

A 37-year-old lawyer was known as the founder of a Facebook page and Whatsapp groups that spread fake news, demanded that our president is a dictator who must be removed, and attacked LGBTI groups as well as the immigrant population from Nicaragua. 

His page disappeared after being found out by the general public. Before being taken down, the page Costa Rican Resistance was followed by 27,386 people. Followers were also broken into five regional groups called battalions to connect with locals who also wanted to participate in the movement. He repeatedly promoted the use of violence on the page. He related violence to bravery. He believes that all citizens are called by the Constitution to organize civil forces. 

The man is an administrative assistant at the embassy of Brazil. Officials from Brazil explained that he is a local employee who does not represent the country and whose profile does not meet the expectations of any embassy worker. He did not show up for work following these comments. He was arrested on Tuesday as a suspect of participating in the detonation of explosives in Teletica and Congress.

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