San José is fully in Christmas mode. The Municipality has prepared an agenda of activities to celebrate the season. We all look forward to the Festival de la Luz. Band Fest is a new addition this year.
The festivities begin with a food truck fair in the square of the Iglesia de la Soledad this Saturday and Sunday from 9 am to 7 pm. The traditional Aguinaldo dance will be held on Saturday night.
The Christmas lighting will be on December 3, at 6 pm. On that same day, the igloo will be inaugurated in the Plaza de la Democracia. From the 4th to the 7th, the “Avenidazo” celebrations will take place on Central Avenue. Guest bands include Los Hicsos, Enuague Bucal, and Madera Nueva.
Band Fest will take place on December 8th from 8 am to 12 pm at the Estadio Ernesto Rohrmoser. This will present the bands that will be part of the Festival of Light on the 14th. On the 25th, the Fiestas de San José start and then the Tope and Carnaval will be on the 26th and 27th.
Train crossing arms have reduced crashes with the train. It’s been a year since the first 23 safety devices at railroad crossings were installed and the collisions went from 80 between January and November last year to 55 in that same period this year.
Fatalities in such crashes have also decreased. There were 5 last year and, luckily, none this year. The last reported fatality was on November 29, 2018. A 29-year-old motorcyclist crashed into the train in San Joaquin de Flores, Heredia.
The executive president of the Costa Rican Railroad Institute (Incofer) was very satisfied with the figures that decreased because this shows that the placement of these safety needles was a success.
As of now, there are 53 metropolitan train crossings that have needles. 15 other points will have devices installed in December.
Those who learned to drive between 1995 and 2005 did so when the trains were inactive so a whole generation didn’t learn road safety as it pertains to train crossings. The safety needles have suffered damages and breakages that cost $51,000. A fine of ₡215,000 is applied to those who damage or disrespect the security devices as well as one of ₡318,000 for those who collide with the train.
The Chinese construction company extending the road to Limón has asked for a 400-day extension to complete the work. At first glance, needing over a year extra sounds excessive, but many things outside the company’s control have gone wrong along the way. The company has only progressed by 15% in two years.
Conavi agreed to an extension but of only 174 days. The need for 174 days has been recognized to be needed due to the delays in expropriations, the transfer of public services, and interference by strikes.
The project should be finished by March 2021, according to this extension. The company is required to present next week a detailed plan to ensure that the first 20 km will be done within two months.
The project has an investment of $465 million, $396 of which is financed by the Eximbank of China. $69 million is from a national counterpart. An additional $100 million is requested from the same Chinese bank for works not included in the original contract.
I once heard a religious teacher say he could read other people’s thoughts, but didn’t do so because “it would be like opening their mail.” Skeptical, I filed away the quote and kept an open mind.
Now neuroscientists, who have become the high priests of science, have proven that thought is a material process in the brain, which they can detect and interpret in real time through FMRI machines.
That means that ‘my thoughts’ aren’t sealed inside the skull, as we tend to believe. Is it possible that especially sensitive human beings can ‘hear’ what another person is thinking, especially if their thoughts are directed at them?
I’ve since had experiences that verify the validity of telepathy and other phenomena, including a frightening experience of shape shifting, something for which Australian Aborigines have been known.
On that occasion I took a woman with whom I had begun a relationship backpacking. Since Jan had never stayed overnight in the wilderness, I carefully planned the trip to not overwhelm her. Little did I know that I would be the one that would be overwhelmed with primal fear.
We hiked in seven miles or so and camped below the bank of a high country river, which had no chance of flash flooding. Things were going well after setting up camp and having dinner. We sat around the fire and talked, as humans have done for tens of thousands of years.
I don’t recall the reason for the argument, but we had our first and only quarrel. Though I was miffed, I still wanted Jan to have a good experience on her first backpacking trip, and suggested we go to sleep.
She agreed and went up the shallow bank 25 meters away to pee. It was a moonless night, and when she didn’t return after nearly ten minutes, I grew concerned.
I waited a couple more minutes and called out to her, “Jan, you OK?” No answer. I called out again, more urgently. Still no answer. Fearing that something had happened to her, I stood up.
When I did, I was sure I saw animals the size of wolves along the bank. I’d done a fair amount of backpacking alone, and had never experienced such primal fear as I did that moment.
Afraid both for her and myself now, I shouted, “Jan!” An eerily calm voice came back from right in the middle of the imagined wolves. “Yes,” she said tauntingly, drawing out the word in a malevolent way.
Viscerally reacting to the unknown trick she had played, I shouted back, “What the hell are you doing?”
We talked for hours, and she admitted that she had a secret ability, since childhood, to project images
and manipulate people’s thoughts. She told of incidences with roommates in college that I would not have believed if I hadn’t experienced her powers myself.
Do you do this intentionally?
“Yes,” she replied, “especially when I’m angry.”
And you were quite angry after we argued tonight, right?
Still thinking it had to be my own fear and imagination, I pressed her for more evidence, and she provided it. Suffice to say I saw again that “there are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy,” or science.
I inquired into whether this is what is meant by “shape shifting,” the supposed ability of some indigenous people to take on the appearance of animals.
“I’m sure it is,” she said evident pride. Though we had cleared the air, I slept lightly that night, ended the trip early, and the relationship shortly thereafter. Her powers were invasive and manipulative, as probably all occult powers are.
Why should we discount and dismiss the possibility of telepathy, thought transference, and shape shifting (more accurately, image projection), while accepting that science is now able to read and manipulate our thoughts and emotions?
Neuroscientists maintain that “thought is a vast network of neurons firing all across our brains.” They are in the early stages of accurately translating these patterns, though only if the person in the FMRI machine thinks about a certain object or feels a certain emotion.
Neuroscientists still don’t challenge the greatest redundancy in the English language, and perhaps human consciousness itself however: “My thoughts.”
There are just thoughts. Privacy is another matter.
The idea and feeling that thoughts are ‘mine’ is a deeply mistaken thought/emotion, one that is the source and perpetuation of division, conflict and fragmentation, inwardly and outwardly.
A much more important question than how thought operates in the brain is: What happens when the neurons aren’t firing, when memory, recognition, words and images fall silent?
When thought is completely still, and the brain is fully alert and attentive, the brain is like a very sensitive antenna.
What does it pick up? Watch thought into silence and you’ll see.
Martin LeFevre
60 Minutes follow-up, “Scientists are using MRI scans to reveal the physical makeup of our thoughts and feelings”:
Costa Ricans are lucky enough to be able to enter 150 countries without a visa. While not quite as good as the Japanese, who can enter 190, it’s still enough to keep a traveler busy for a lifetime.
With a little extra work of getting a visa, we have access to another 76 nations. Some of them are applied for online and others at a consulate. If there is not a consulate of the country in Costa Rica, documents are mailed to a third country that has one.
Vacationers and culture enthusiasts can buy airline tickets to explore the world after getting visas in order. We can see the famous streets of New York and the pandas in China.
Keep in mind that some countries require a visa even just to pass through or make a stop at the airport for a connection. With a little research and some visa application fees, the world is at our fingertips.
Sergio Guillen, also known as SNK, is a Costa Rican from Cartago who will represent the country in Madrid this Saturday at the international Red Bull Batalla de los Gallos, a rap battle.
SNK practices improvised rap eight hours a day, almost as a sport. This activity fills his days ever since he realized his gift about a decade ago when he tried to repeat 50 Cent songs even though he didn’t speak English.
He learned to make his own songs and rhythms and is now part of the most important competition of improvised rap in Spanish. He’s the current champion of the Red Bull Batalla de los Gallos, a league in Latin America.
Although he started off in modest battles on the streets, he now has a good chance of winning the international final this weekend. He’s got a good following in Costa Rica, Mexico, and Peru, where he has won battles.
Miss Costa Rica 2019 candidate and model Catalina Freer has participated in a reality show in the United States. It’s called Enamorándonos USA. On the show, there are 24 people seeking love.
Freer competes as “flechada” to conquer the heart of a Venezuelan man, Ismael García, she met some time ago through mutual friends. Her debut on the show was last weekend.
The program is about interpersonal relationships and conquering hearts. It was born in Turkey in 2007 under the name Love is Calling and has been copied with success in many countries including Germany, Spain, and Mexico. It’s on one of the main Spanish-speaking networks in the US.
Freer had seen the popular show and when she realized there was a participant she had met before she decided to apply to meet him again this time on the show. When they met on the show he invited her for coffee and the date continued to an Italian bar.
The national transplant program has been failing in so many ways. One of the results of these failures is that the number of people waiting for organs has doubled in just three years.
In 2016, 188 people were on the waiting list for a kidney and 27 for a liver. Today those figures are at 341 and 42, respectively. Patients are waiting years and many die waiting, leaving behind families who question why so many organs are going to waste.
In 2018, 60% of cadaveric donors were wasted. 45% of these cases were due to non-conformation of surgical teams, at least in part because they were on voluntary alert and not paid. There were 140 organs available and at least 126 were in usable condition yet only 78 of these were transplanted.
Now that surgical teams are again being paid there should be less waste. Another goal is to triple the rate of cadaveric donors which is currently at 7 donors per million inhabitants.
We conducted two investigations with a debriefing after each investigation. Watch the videos to see what everyone experienced. There were “blizzard orbs”. Blizzard Orbs are a multitude of orbs that show up on film. Yes, most of the orbs can be dust, but we found some orbs that seem like they had intelligent movement. We had “designer orbs” – orbs with intricate designs inside of them. When you enlarge a designer orb, sometimes you can make out a face in the orb. Audra took a photo and captured a designer orb and inside the orb is a little boy’s face. Mike Ouilhon’s Spirit Box said some intelligent responses and said “Paul” 3 times and “Maria” one time. We captured a Class A EVP in the backyard. Deanna asks how old are you? The EVP of a man says “40”. Deanna, Angela and Audra picked up possible portals in the front yard and possibly the back yard. The ladies of HPI picked up on Indian energy. Mike captured some heavy spikes on his EMF Reader. Ox did some videos that showed orbs that seem to have intelligent movement. Some witnessed shadow movements in the home. A shadow cat was seen. I was in the bedroom and felt a finger rubbing my finger, which caused a tingly sensation.
Deanna and Audra conducted a metaphysical cleansing and I conducted a Roman Catholic house blessing. Yvonne felt comfortable after the house blessing. After we left, she said they came back. I will give Yvonne further instructions on how to self bless her own home and suggested a full submersion baptism if she felt like she had an attachment. Deanna felt like she may have an attachment. Yvonne was not prepared for a baptism tonight and will think about getting a baptism at a future date.
As you can see above, this was a successful investigation. Sometimes we get some disappointments. Below is a fine example of a paranormal disappointment.
One of the downfalls of being a paranormal investigator is cancellations. It’s estimated that 99 percent of paranormal investigators have a strong enthusiasm for their hobby. Most of us are curious and we seek answers. We also want to help families in need, that are being terrorized by entities. So the downfall happens when the paranormal investigator has set up an investigation and invited the team members. All of the investigators are excited and ready to investigate and cleanse. Then it happens, the client sends a text, he or she has canceled the investigation. Most of the time the excuse is a family emergency. In this case, well, you guessed it, it was a family emergency. Here is a recent cancellation we had:
The family said that they had to leave early this morning to head up to Lake Tahoe for a family emergency and that is the reason why they are canceling. INITIAL REPORT:
HPI Investigators we have an URGENT paranormal investigation. Date to be there: November 16, 2019. Time to be there: 7pm. Address to be at: Citrus Heights, CA / Contact Person: Briane Bailley. Activity: Entity opens up cabinets, washer machine, drawers. Entity dims out the lights in the house. Entity takes blankets off the baby. The family is terrified. Cleansing will be done by me and Deanna. Others can participate in the cleansing.
Paul Dale Roberts – HPI Co-Owner; Deanna Jaxine Stinson – Psychic Medium/HPI Co-Owner; Richard Oxenrider (Guest); Angela Chessnutt; PSA Archives; Pelenta Forrest; Mike Ouilhon; Christina Vonasek; Justin Mather; Alaceo “Big Al” Rosatano; Amy Lightfire. SPECIAL NOTE: This was the team that was going to attend this investigation.
In this case, I had to text the client several times to confirm that the investigation was a GO. Finally the client sends me a cancellation text. What if I didn’t call or text him about the investigation and just showed up with my team? This was very inconsiderate of the client, not taking the initiative and contacting me that the investigation was canceled. This is the kind of stuff that I have to deal with. I have talked with other investigators and they deal with the same thing. The client doesn’t realize that I need to contact my investigators immediately and let them know the investigation is canceled. Everyone has busy lives and my investigators put everything to the side to be able to go to this investigation. So, here is a message to potential clients: PLEASE BE CONSIDERATE AND LET THE PARANORMAL GROUP THAT YOU CONTACTED KNOW IF AN INVESTIGATION IS CANCELED OR IF IT’S A GO.
Now let me get off my high horse and talk about the very haunted Farallon Islands, a place I would love to spend some time at investigating……
When I was in high school, my dad took me on a deep sea fishing trip. We were fishing for rock cod. I remember getting sea sick with the Captain’s daughter and we were both throwing up over the starboard. On this deep sea fishing adventure, I did not catch any fish. My dad caught one rock cod. As the boat went further out, we saw a group of islands. I remember the Captain saying they were the Farallon Islands. Farallon means sea cliff. I learned later in life, that these group of islands that lie 30 miles from the Golden Gate Bridge and 20 miles south of Point Reyes had other names. The Coast Miwok called the islands – the Islands of the Dead. Sir Francis Drake when discovering the islands on July 24, 1579, called them the Islands of Saint James. The reason the Coast Miwok called the islands – the Islands of the Dead because of the eerie rock formations seen on the islands. The eerie rock formations during dusk look like the silhouettes of the deceased. The islands were probably first discovered by Europeans during the Juan Cabrillo Expedition of 1542. Ancient mariners preferred calling the islands “Devil’s Teeth” because over 400 ships have fell victim to the islands.
I have talked to a source, that wishes to remain anonymous because of his job classification. I will call this anonymous person Johnny Seabird. Johnny was telling me that there are many mice and seabirds on the island, but at one time the seabirds almost went extinct, because of the California Gold Rush and the high demand for eggs. Johnny goes on and tells me that on one particular Summer day in 1996, he visited the islands and came across 7 men on the island. The 7 men looked like they stepped out from the 16th century, wearing tricorn hats and slops (puffy trousers). The 7 men looked very weathered and tired. As Johnny watched the 7 men, a strange mist engulfed them. The mist seemed to come from out of no where. As the mist completely engulfed them and then disappated, the 7 men were gone, they vanished. I also learned from the Captain of my boat, that one time when he was deep sea fishing, he came upon the islands and saw 3 greenish orbs that were hovering over the island. The orbs looked transparent and were the size of tennis balls. The orbs then moved behind a rock and were never seen again. The Captain believes he witnessed energy from some of the seafaring ghosts that crashed into these rocks long ago.
Okay, now that you know what a paranormal disappointment is, let’s keep the flow light, here is my angel story.
My Angel Story
11/16/2019: Today at Barnes & Noble in Citrus Heights, I met up with Dr. Jan Cooper, author of Faith, Hope and Health; Color Your Way to Success; An American Hero and coming soon – Heavenly Miracles.
Dr. Jan Cooper asked me if I had any angel stories. Well, actually I have one angel story. This is a true story and it happened in 1991 at the Sacramento River. Along the beach of the Sacramento River, I was with my family enjoying the sun. I decided to go ahead and take a rubber raft into the river. As I laid on the raft, I noticed I started heading for the deep end of the river. I am not a great swimmer and I started to panic, trying to get the raft back on the beach. I panicked so much, the raft tipped over and I fell into the river. I felt like I was being pulled under by some whirlpool force. I came to realize, that I was actually being pulled down into the depths of the river and I hit bottom. I am 6 feet tall and I was under the water that must have been 10 feet down. I tried crawling back to the beach, but it seemed impossible. I was holding my breath, which seemed like forever and in my mind I started praying. Then all of a sudden, I felt two powerful hands on my chest and I was pushed back onto the beach instantly. I looked at my family and yelled…”did you know I was drowning?” My family thought I was joking and laughed. To this day, I know in my heart that I was saved by an angel. It wasn’t my time to go yet and an angel brought me back on the beach, saving my life and I am forever grateful for that rescue.
A Star Wars plane landed in Costa Rica. Many may wonder what a Star Wars plane is. It’s a new idea from United Airlines, which decorated a plane in honor of the latest Star Wars movie.
The airline joined with Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, to bring this unique experience to guests. Aside from the outside of the plane being decorated, there are many interior changes starting with boarding. Passengers board to the sound of the music from the saga. Commemorative pins are given out and the seats are decorated with the emblems of the Resistance and the First Order.
The plane operates in the United States an Canada, Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean. In Costa Rica, it will make appearances in both international airports. To find out when the Boeing 737-800 will be in the country, one can look up the registration of the N36272 aircraft in an application called Flight Aware.
A 5.4 magnitude earthquake shook much of the country Sunday night. The tremor originated in Puntarenas, with its epicenter eight kilometers northeast of Arancibia, and was felt through the Central Valley.
The movement was recorded at 7:33 pm. The RSN recorded that it had a depth of 77 kilometers but the report of the Vulcanological and Seismological Observatory of Costa Rica (Ovisicori) recorded that it had a depth of 82 kilometers. The cause of the tremor is the deformation of the subducted plate of Coco, according to the Facebook of Ovisicori.
People from the Central Valley took to social media to report feeling the tremor. Evaluations by the National Emergency Commission and the Fire Brigade indicated there were no incidents or damage from the earthquake.
Footpad has now put up an impressive start to his campaign with an overlapping victory ay Thurles in the Chase on November 21st.
The seven-year-old horse will be looking like the next superstar for the Willie Mullins team, who has been his trainer, after achieving victories in his five starts as a beginner over fences two campaigns ago – having put up quite an impressive performance in the Arkle Trophy at the Cheltenham Festival.
He was unable to reignite his impressive form last season as he put up three poor performances, and he was reported to have been on a recovery track when he reappeared in Count Tripperary, where he did not let the crowd down on his return to the season. Supporters should be checking out Winners Enclosure for the best odds when the seven-year-old takes on another race or for another race and many more.
Given a 8-11 favorite to win, Footpad was settled in the third position for most of the race, which was a two-mile-six-furlong journey, while Jetz and Balko Des Flos, who won the 2018 Ryanair Chase, compete over the lead.
With the Footpad always jumping when travelling through the tracks with so much skills, in no time he took the lead swiftly with no uproar.
Having taken the lead from Jetz and Des Flos, Mala Beach came from behind to try put up a challenge to Footpad, who showed no signs of leaving the number one spot as he gracefully passed the post with some 10 lengths space to the second.
Daryl Jacob, who rode Footpad, said after the win via Sky Sports: “It is lovely to see the horse back on the racetrack and he had plenty of enthusiasm and jumped and travelled very, very well. It’s a great starting point for him and he never missed a beat the whole way around.
“Today’s trip wasn’t a problem for him and ideally going a little bit quicker early door would have suited him, but he is nice and fresh and it was good to see a performance like that this early in the year.
Costa Ricans are about to get one last chance to see Kiss. The band’s End of the Road concert will be on April 28, 2020, at the National Stadium. This will be their last show in the country as their time together is coming to an end. The very last show will be on July 17, 2021, in NYC where they started.
The metalheads will surely give one of the best shows we’ll see next year. It’s going to be unforgettable. The band is iconic for its music as well as its makeup. They are taking the tour to North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia, and Africa.
Ticket sales are already available for fan club members. American Express cardholders can purchase tickets starting tomorrow and BAC Credomatic cardholders can do so on the 28th. December 2 is the first day of general sale. The prices go from ₡29,300 to ₡99,400 with taxes included. They can be purchased at
Some priests in training grew up in religious conditions while others found their hope in faith later on in life. What they have in common is their training in the National Seminary.
When one decides to go into the priesthood it often means a radical lifestyle change. In many cases, friends and family don’t understand, at least not at first. They ask why he’s doing this and he may feel unsupported.
He will find support and camaraderie, however, with others following the same path of training and the teachers preparing him for Church life. In total, the seminarian takes 8 years in priestly formation.
There are currently around 120 men in the classrooms of the National Seminary. It’s a boarding school and the men typically visit their families for a few hours on Sundays. The rest of the week they are in classes, the recreation spaces, doing chores, or visiting churches. After 8 years of training, the men leave with two baccalaureates, one in philosophy and another in theology.
Stuck in the past that had ceased to exist even before Barack Obama became president and failed to read the writing on the wall, Democrats are still trying to figure out what went right, and wrong, during the Obama era.
Essentially, Obama rendered his presidency a footnote by running on “hope and change,” and then hewing to the American model as president when it was already broken, at home and abroad.
The American people don’t given a damn what happens in Washington because their last gasp and grasp as a people occurred when they elected Barack Obama. He inwardly utterly failed them even as he outwardly modestly succeeded as president.
WASHINGTON, DC – JULY 31: U.S. President Barack Obama signs the 3-month extension of the Highway bill in the Oval Office of the White House July 31, 2015 in Washington, DC. President Obama signed the bill into law to extend transportation funding until October 29. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)
Now what happens in Washington D.C. is of no more significance to the vast majority of Americans than what happens in London, Paris, or Lagos.
It’s painfully amusing to hear the Dems beat the drums of national security over Trump’s Ukraine corruption and abuse of power. National security used to be the playground of the Repubs. Now they’ve fallen in line like castrated sheep behind their incompetent, narcissistic ‘leader.’
Commentators on the Obama interregnum ignore the George W. Bush presidency in their reflections on Barack’s character and governance. How quickly mainstream pundits, ‘experts’ who run in vicious circles between DC-centric print and New York-centric cable shows, forget how divisive and destructive the Bush-Cheney era was.
Is that because one of the darlings of the respectable left, Nicole Wallace, was a communications person in the George W. Bush White House? Is that why the revolving circle of “our reporters and friends” actually hold out hope that John Bolton, of all people, will drive the first nail that sticks in Donald Trump’s political coffin?
Democratic poobahs cannot seem to hold the most salient fact in their minds and hearts: the United States needlessly killed hundreds of thousands of people in a war conceived in the fevered dreams of Republican politicians. Next they’ll be asking Dick Cheney to lead the charge against the Trump Administration.
Obama, as mediocrities note, was a mediocrity, a conservative, status quo president believing that “at the end of the day, the circumstances of your life — what you look like, where you come from, how much money you have, what you’ve got going on at home — none of that is an excuse for neglecting your homework or having a bad attitude in school.”
If one of the white, male Democratic presidential candidates uttered those same words today, he would be seen as leading a reactionary, if not faintly racist campaign.
The Democrats, like Obama before them, are paving the way for (re)electing Donald Trump because they refuse to see America, and Americans, for what and who we are. If Obama had governed closer to how he campaigned, and actually given people some hope and change, than many of the same people who voted for him would not have turned to a demagogue.
Unable or unwilling to see the country and people as they were before, Democrats persist in believing the delusion that “this is not who we are.”
Getting clear on what could and should have been done then is necessary, since it allows us to address what can and must be done now.
Obama will be a footnote in history because he didn’t seize the moment when, in his words, this was not “a country that is less revolutionary than it is interested in [gradual] improvement.”
Barack committed the worst mistake a president can make—he misread the people and his moment. That’s one mistake no one can accuse Donald Trump of making.
Obama’s policies aren’t the issue. His studious lack, as president, of the very thing that propelled him to the presidency is what is unforgivable: being utterly uninspiring.
This has become a nation that dove headlong into what the abyss after Obama, when the people momentarily looked in the mirror provided by Bush and Cheney: a nation of separate, completely self-interested dividuals.
Let’s come to the present with fresh eyes, and not lament lost opportunities for turning America in a new direction, even though that’s what the American people wanted, and thought they were getting in Barack Obama.
To be a conservative, Michael Oakeshott, a putative philosopher, said, “is to prefer the familiar to the unknown, to prefer the tried to the untried, fact to mystery, the actual to the possible, the limited to the unbounded, the near to the distant, the sufficient to the superabundant, the convenient to the perfect, present laughter to utopian bliss.”
Unlike revolutionary America, that starts out badly, but like present-day America, it goes off the rails.
It is morally and pragmatically unfitting in times of crisis to “prefer the familiar to the unknown and the tried to the untried.”
Perfection doesn’t exist, and “utopian bliss” is a straw man. On the other hand, “the convenient” is just another term for immediate gratification.
And for God’s sake, a human being cannot inwardly survive without mystery and possibility.
Peace is only brought about through absolution. In order to gain this, we go through a process that is meant to result in a revolution of our mental and spiritual states. We seek freedom from conditions, but we allow ourselves to flow within the sound of music and the boundaries of a different timing than others.
Sound Garden
Sound is healing. It is an element of foundation in the spiritual realms of the Earth and the skies. It moves us backwards and forwards in many external and internal ways. The paths that we travel on are all turns in the road onto the Heavens. The vibrations are stones and dirt.
Even the words that I am typing on this computer are meant to help you understand the formation of sounds all around your being and state of existence. The keystrokes make sound. When in different realities, the laws on time do change and set us apart from the rest of the world and their beliefs. That is because we are all acting in different frameworks of ourselves to be who we are truly meant to be.
The Shadows
Can you hear the echoes coming from the backwoods of the shadow world? Do you see the shining and glimmering lights of the stars who are summoning you to come play a song and dance in the eternal epiphany of the skies and the universe? All the cosmic bodies in relation to who we are and what we will become in exist in a timeless flow from which rivers and eternal silence and the mana of the heavens is flowing silently into another dimension and outer space of time and energy.
The City
What will be the place where you go and visit the doctor to heal? What will it sound like? What about the place where you go to eat something? That will be the place where you are nourished and sustained in life and eternal sustenance. What about the chapel where you will go and to worship the gods and angels? What do all these vibrations sound and feel like?
Angelic Revelations
Do you hear the voices of the confessions of the people in their songs? Their words, their lips, their prayers… on the frequency of the churches? Do you hear the police sirens rushing? What about water flowing? How about a new born baby crying? These are all eternal melodies.
We are going to hear the last frequency before death, the arrival tones…The last song played before the end of the world. The final message of God before he reveals himself! Your hearing is the last sense to receive information before death. Process the sounds and transform…
There’s so much going on this weekend. Here are some ideas to consider.
The Centro Diurno El Tejar is having its Grand Christmas Bingo on Saturday at 4 pm. There will be cash and items for the home as prizes. The price for two cards is ₡3,000. The event will also have a musical show and food sales.
The Catrinas Festival is on the 23 and 24 at Campo Lago. The Mexican inspired festival is based on the day of the dead. You are welcome to arrive in costume. Tickets are on sale at and cost ₡5,000 for general admission at ₡10,000 for VIP which includes a beer, tequila or chile tasting.
The gastronomic festival in Heredia is being organized by the Universidad Hispanoamericana for Saturday, from 9 am to 9 pm. It will consist of seven spaces offering a variety of food as well as dancing exhibitions, concerts, and a fireworks show.
Toys for Tots is organizing a toy collection for underprivileged children at the Tap House restaurant in Escazú. Toys should be new and unwrapped and appropriate for children ages 2 to 10 years old.
The Arenal Volcano Water and Peace race will be on Sunday at 8 am. Funds collected go to help the children in the San Juan Bosco Orphanage. Details at 8988-6389.
Coexistence: living in harmony is a show that will combine dance, theater, and magic at the Humbold Auditorium in Pavas. It’s brought to us by the Nai Conservation organization and CRWildlife Foundation. It features Dantita, a Tapir who has been orphaned and asks other forest animals to join with humans to preserve animal life. The ticket is ₡10,000 and the show starts at 6 pm.
So far, there have been 11 days of protest after hearing that the Special Fund for Higher Education was to be used for capital expenditures instead of grants, scholarships, and fundamental expenses as it usually is.
Some students pointed out that those making the decisions have likely never had the need for a scholarship or had to choose between paying for food or paying for the bus fare to get to school.
What started as peaceful marches, with the National University supporting them and even providing buses for students to get from one protest location to the next, has gotten out of hand on a number of occasions.
On Thursday, there was a multi-hour attempt at dialogue that went nowhere and it turned violent, with people throwing large rocks, wood, and metal. Then seven people were detained for throwing gasoline at Police officers and trying to light them on fire.
Prior to this, I was proud to live in a country that has peaceful protests that actually change things. This, however, is insane.
President Carlos Alvarado referred to spraying gasoline and threatening the lives of Police officers who protect us as “inadmissible.”
The people detained were taken to the second judicial circuit where after collecting the evidence and testimonies their legal status will be determined.
This man was discharged from Hospital San Carlos in an unsafe state. He is mentally impaired, alone, and lost He said he is Rodrigo Tenorio Álvarez, his mom’s name is Lorena, and they live in Pavas. Last night at the hospital he reportedly said his last name is Navarro. He was found today near Distibuidora Pirámide where the staff tried their best to help him. They called the Police, 911, and the Hospital and none will help him because “it’s not an emergency unless he becomes violent.” The man was last seen crying because he is scared and disoriented, which sounds like an emergency to me. He left the Distribuidora and was seen taking off most of his clothes. He’s walking towards the terminal in shorts. If anyone knows where he lives or a way to help, contact Allan Jara Noticias which has taken charge of trying to help.
#AYUDA#COMPARTIR_POR_FAVOR Este hombre está extraviado en Ciudad Quesada.Se llama Rodrigo Tenorio Álvarez, es de…
Many tax deadlines are coming up in December and January. These include the informative declaration, VAT, luxury home, rent, and vehicle taxes. There are already long lines everywhere you can pay the right of circulation, or “marchamo.”
There are a total of eight instalments of tax returns and tax payments with significant penalties for noncompliance. The first is the informative declaration which must be submitted by December 2. This is with the D-151 form that is for reporting customers, purchases, sales, suppliers, and expenses.
Sales and rentals of homes and apartments, as well as commissions and professional services, have to be declared by both the provider and the person receiving the service if the amount paid or received is over ₡50,000 to or from the same person.
If you have any of the following forms, note that they have deadlines in the next two months: D-151, D-104, D-103, D-152, D-179, D-180. Heavy fines are incurred for turning them in late or failing to turn them in.
Stree 11A, in Barrio Amón, near Casa Amarilla, will turn into an urban party tomorrow, November 22. The Art City Tour, EÑe store, and 14 national artists will come together to bring us an enormous artistic event with art, design, and music.
“White Night” will be the last Art City Tour of the year. Part of it will take place at EÑe, in the Jiménez building (east side of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs). That store is hosting its annual parade to start off the Christmas season.
14 artists will participate in the parade. Included are painters, actors, photographers, designers, and writers. They will show off clothes and shoes from the Mourelo & Tagini brand and the Ecléctica collection from Hieronymus, by Ayax Melara. Over 20 outfits will be displayed.
There will be music provided by DJ Bangarello. An exhibition called Ñoviembre, by Marco Chía, will be open inside EÑe. The store and street are open to the public and everyone is invited.
Made in 1997, “The Education of Little Tree” is the story of a half-Cherokee boy who goes to live with his hill-folk grandparents in the Appalachians after his father was killed in the First World War, and his mother dies shortly thereafter.
Joseph Ashton evocatively plays the eight-year-old boy. James Cromwell masterfully plays Grandpa, and Tantoo Cardinal, exuding indigenous authenticity and wisdom, plays Gramma. Graham Greene, from “Dances With Wolves” fame, is cast as Willow John, a full-blooded Cherokee and friend of the grandparents.
Tantoo Cardinal was also in “Dances With Wolves,” playing the wife of the shaman, or “holy man” that was a central character in the movie. There’s a big difference between the perspectives of the two movies however.
Whatever its merits and demerits, “Dances With Wolves” was told from the perspective of a white man as he’s enculturated into the ways of the Plains Sioux. The “Education of Little Boy” is told from an indigenous perspective, as the boy learns how to be a human being in a brutal white man’s world.
For those who don’t know the history of the Trail of Tears, when the Cherokee were marched from their homelands westward to undesirable lands, dying by the hundreds along the way, it is told by the Willow John character with tremendous clarity and emotional force in this movie. That scene alone makes the movie worth watching.
From a universal spiritual perspective, the most important scene of the movie occurs after Grandpa has been bitten on the hand by a rattlesnake while saving Little Tree. As his life hangs in the balance, the boy asks if he’s going to die.
“Well now Little Tree,” his Cherokee grandmother responds, “there’s all kinds of dying. I’ve seen people down in the settlement walking around just like you and me. But they’re just as good as dead. They spend their lives in meanness and greed. And the spirit inside of them went and shrunk down to no bigger than the size of a pea.”
That echoes perhaps the most shocking utterance of Jesus, in one of the few parables that resound with undeniable authenticity, though scholars have argued over his meaning for centuries.
“And as they were traveling along the road, he said to a certain man, ‘Follow me.’ And the man said, ‘Let me first go and bury my father.’ But Jesus said to him, ‘Let the dead bury their dead.’”
Jesus’ meaning could not be clearer. He was simply saying, ‘Let the inwardly dead bury the physically dead.’ This alone attests that Jesus lived in a culture much like America today.
In the same scene when the life of Little Tree’s grandfather hangs in the balance, his grandmother says, “The only way to make your spirit big is to work on it. You got to use it to understand. The more you try to understand, the bigger it gets, till it gets so big and powerful you come to understand everything.”
Shortly after, Little Tree is taken by the State and placed in a penitentiary-like Indian school. He makes an innocent comment in class about a male and female deer preparing to mate, and is beaten and placed in solitary confinement for a lengthy period.
Sensing his suffering, his grandfather travels to the school and surreptitiously frees him under the cover of night. After returning to their home in the mountains, they stand overlooking the spectacular hills and valleys. As he does every morning, grandfather says, at the birth of a new day, “She’s coming alive.”
Grandpa is white, but tells Little Tree that after he married his grandmother, he “began to see the world the Cherokee way, till at last I come to understand the way.”
It is the way of understanding, which is not romantic or idealistic, but the only way ahead and out of this hellish age.
The dead have the illusory safety and security of the herd in life, but they are alone in death. Whereas those who “move closer to the understanding are still together in death, their spirits knowing.”
Every bit of energy from the world recycles over again into something else. Energy never dies it only transforms, so there is power in every single thing that we do. The places where it comes from are phenomenal! Even something so simple as a thought you think can expand into a much larger space.
If you want to see the pieces of you that are missing, then we do what we do to record fragments of ourselves from our mirrors (cell phones, recording devices) into the sky, through signals and electric formations of data. The whole process is a transformation of energy into existence.
The definition of a message according to the online dictionary is this;
a verbal, written, or recorded communication sent to or left for a recipient who cannot be contacted directly.
Therefore, this means that we can actually write letters to the sky in our words that we type onto the screens we are using and they will be delivered to the points of fragmented interpretation in the receiving ends of others, as they are sent outwards into predestined locations.
This just means that everything we type could in fact be picked up by an alien signal somewhere designed to catch our information like a magnet. They could use filters as simple as we use, like hashtags or key words.
The Visions
When I dream, I am receiving information from different locations all throughout my body. If I am hurting than I will dream of the pain. It will take shape in order for my body to contact me. This is the same way that I am receiving psychic messages- through symbols and trigger words.
Here is the most recent lucid vision that I had;
Monday, November 4th 2019
A Giant Bat
Lying in bed my dream takes place exactly where I am. I can see a large bat that is flying around the top of my ceiling. He is black with a brown tummy and is going all over the place.
As soon as I realize what it is, I become scared for a moment because it flies against the wall and knocks itself out and falls right on top of my head while I am sleeping. It seems like there is a silver cord coming from it too.
I saw this in a lucid dream and it woke me up because it was so vivid that I thought there was really a bat inside of my house. Of course, there is no bat in the room when I look.
Now external and internal are working together in order to alert me to changes in my psychic field that could affect me negatively. That is after all the ultimate primal intention of all our bodies- survival. It was coming from me of course, as the silver thread symbolizes how connected we are.
I do also have a wish box with a bat on it and I realized after I wrote this that I got in Salem, Massachusetts and I have put one wish inside of it. It could also be connected to that information as well. Something about the message is still alive, waiting to metamorphosis.
Bats are creatures that live inside of caves. Caves are dark and mysterious places where mankind no longer belongs, but has evolved from. These beings’ surface from the darkest regions of space and time into eternity through waves somewhere.
Light travels as a wave. But unlike sound waves or water waves, it does not need any matter or material to carry its energy along. This means that light can travel through a vacuum—a completely airless space. … It speeds through the vacuum of space at 186,400 miles (300,000 km) per second according to the online encyclopedia.
Also, we know that darkness travels at the speed of light. More accurately, darkness does not exist by itself as a unique physical entity, but as the absence of light. Any time you move the light away you get darkness instead.
We are looking into what is behind that! When we move both aside then we get another sky filled with different types of polarizing events. Some of these bleeds through from our souls as they carry karmic energy and extraterrestrial coding. That’s why people who are believed to be part extraterrestrial have good knowledge and access to records of memories that no one else seems to have.
Letters to the Sky
All the ways that aliens & angels try to contact us are sent on waves, almost like putting a message in a bottle and dropping it off at one point of the ocean, knowing where it is coming from only to let our hope guide it somewhere it’s meant to be and we think it will go. Imagine being able to break down emotional energy in a scientific way where we could decode the languages of our astral bodies and completely understand it.
Anyways, just know that every action you take is important in advancing our civilization into a realm of incredible possibilities. Whatever direction you send a letter, even in the form of a simple prayer, know that it is being heard by someone who was always fated to know. Your wishes and your desires conduct themselves naturally on the path to a goal.
So, remember that everything you are, you will also become as you continue to wish, so to you are moving forward into a heavenly afterlife where we will continue to go on where the universe wants us to be and where we belong too. You are great and amazing and I know you are also the writer of your own story and star song…
so be it.
Psychically, if you begin thinking in a certain perspective than you will begin to notice patterns in the energetic coding of time. One of the best ways to do this is by repeating mantras to yourself, finding a religion, spiritual path, numerology, astrology etc. Basically, whatever you seek you will find the answer to as we all know we were cast out of Heaven for partaking of the tree of knowledge and it’s fruits for ourselves when it had only been destined for the gods.
Of course, everything has a purpose, if not now than later. My mind is turned onto my higher self’s frequencies, love, luck and beauty. So, I am going to be manifesting and noticing these signs in the universe specifically. You can call it whatever you like, but the truth is that what we think is our reality.
The other day I was contemplating stars while on the highway. There was a black star balloon just hovering there in the road, even though the cars were going so fast and Sacramento is very windy! It was so shocking and happened so fast that I couldn’t get a picture, but I redrew the balloon for this purpose.
My friend Xandean has been sending my paranormal team intelligent acting balloons for several years now, but only now have they been contacting me this way. I know my dreams have been harder to remember lately, so I think that may be why. There is always a shift happening in the universe.
The next day, again in the car there was another balloon. It creeped me out as well as it just hovered there with no apparent cause to not move despite the air currents circulating and the string was not tied to anything, but looking like an invisible hand was holding it up. As soon as the car began to move it suddenly followed the vehicle and I recorded some of this on Sacramento Paranormal Help’s Facebook Page. Check the dates and search the posts.
I was saying this is aliens over again and then two hours later I checked my Facebook and my friend Audra had a balloon mysteriously fall down in front of her of a green alien. She felt their presence as well when this occurred. This is synchronicity, validation and acknowledgement from a higher power that we are indeed of the spirit, which defies the common understandings of the mortal brain.
If we want the answers to unlock our immortality, than we must listen to the voice of the world that travels on the wavelength of light and love. Never mind the disconnection that our planet forcefully pushes on us in acts of survival, because it means that it’s time to connect and share our love together for all things extraterrestrial if we really want to welcome them here!
The Municipality of San José has accepted the participation of the Autonomous University of Central America (UACA) float in this year’s Festival of Light, even after its float last year was controversial. It was an unborn baby and there were many anti-abortion signs.
The application said the theme will be in favor of the family with no further information. The design is yet to be seen but the Municipality says it will assure that it lines up with the regulations set forth this year as to not allow political, religious, or ideological issues that cause division.
The festival is meant as a fun family event, not a platform. The regulations say the themes can be children, family, stories, toys, sports or biodiversity. This list was created after complaints last year.
Many are worried about the float UACA will make this year, as its rector stated that the theme is in defense of the “natural family,” while 60% of Costa Rican families are not classified that way. There are loving families of all types. There are single parents, kids living with grandparents, adoptions, and so on. All families should be defended.
There are so many aspects to the organ and tissue transplant crisis in the CCSS. As of August 9, the Prosecutor’s Office is investigating the alleged illicit trafficking of organs in the Hospital México. It is being processed under Trafficking in Persons without a specific subject for the moment. The hospital refers all questions to the Prosecutor’s Office.
Two years ago, the head of nephrology at the Hospital Calderón Guardia was sentenced to 12 years in prison for the crime of trafficking in persons for the purpose of illicit removal of kidneys. A Greek merchant was convicted of the same offense.
Other parts of the crisis include a drop in the number of transplants and subsequent increase in deaths of those waiting on transplants, extremely high numbers of deaths following liver transplants, and the waste of kidneys do to a payment issue for surgical teams.
The Ministry of Health has given the CCSS a sanitary order with 25 business days to bring order to transplant management.
With the way the price of groceries continues to rise, especially for healthy food options, it is more important than ever to budget your grocery spending. Fortunately, there are ways in which you can enjoy nutritious and delicious meals without spending a small fortune.
Track You Spending
Tracking what you spend on groceries per month is an excellent way to see exactly where your food money is going. Many people are surprised at how much they waste on junk food or items that they don’t really need. To get started, you will write down all the items you buy each week and how much each thing costs. Don’t try to scrimp and save at this point. You are trying to get an average of how much you currently spend. After tracking your spending for the entire month, look over your records carefully. Go through and highlight items that you didn’t really need. Once you add all these unnecessary things up, you just might discover that passing up those little treats here and there can save a substantial amount of money. You will also see which foods you are spending the most on so that you can keep your eye out for sales on these things.
Save Dining Out for the Special Occasions
It is no secret that eating the majority of your meals at home will keep your budget on track. Don’t think that you have to totally deprive yourself of the luxury of a nice meal out every now and then. You simply need to reduce those outings. For example, if you normally eat in a restaurant or grab take out for lunch, consider packing some food from home instead. Plan just one lunch out with friends or coworkers as a special treat occasionally. The same holds true for your evening dinner. Skip the fast food and restaurant meals. Reserve dinner in a restaurant for birthdays, anniversaries, or other special events. Not only will you save some money, but those few meals out will be extra meaningful.
Keep a List of Your Foods On Hand
It becomes super easy to decide at the last minute to grab take out when you don’t have enough food on hand to create delicious and healthy meals at home. Once you have your refrigerator and pantry well stocked, keep an ongoing list hanging on the fridge door. As you notice certain items getting low, add them to the shopping list. Taking the time to plan a dinner menu before you go grocery shopping also helps save money. Plan each night’s meal carefully and add all the ingredients you need to that list on the fridge. When it comes time to head to the local food store, grab that list and take it along. Relying on a well-planned grocery list adds to your savings by keeping you from grabbing items spontaneously as you wander through the grocery store.
Make Use of Leftovers
When it comes to eating healthy on a budget, you don’t want to waste any food. Throwing food away is the same as throwing your money away. Save leftovers for the next day’s meal. If there isn’t enough for everyone, use them for your individual lunch the next day. Many perishable items can be frozen if you don’t think you will be using them before they go bad. For this to be successful, your refrigerator and freezer need to be functioning properly. If your refrigerator stops functioning unexpectedly, it’s important to get it fixed quickly to avoid a flood or an electrical issue, which could lead to serious damage. You need to handle the unexpected yet urgent repair before it gets worse. These issues can be expensive, if you do not have enough money in your savings you can apply for an online loan to help cover the unexpected costs. If you do choose this option, you should try to pay off the loan as quickly as possible so you can go back to your regular budgeting.
Once you put all of these tips into practice, you will be able to save money on your weekly grocery bill. Eating at home, tracking how much you spend, and putting every bit of food to good use will eventually become a way of life for you and your family that will really add up.
Many people are playing online games these days. They are really fun to play with another human player from another part of the world. This technology is still evolving and the player experience is improving every year. Such is the case with online casino games. Have you ever played slot games? These are the perfect example of online casino games. Slot games are equivalent to the 3×3 slot machine with standards for safety, quality, and fairness. It looks very simple but there are many algorithms that work to ensure complete unpredictability and randomness. In this article, we are going to discuss how it works. If you want to play online casino games then visit
For normal players, it is just a matter of some symbols. But in reality, the developers have put lots of effort to make sure the results are fair. In this guide, we will walk you through the mechanics of slot games.
Have you seen posts about manipulating the slot game to win? Well, there are lots of websites that claim that they know to beat the system. However, smart people know that it is impossible to guess as the results are 100% random.
Randomness of Slot Game
Some games have special rules that you need to know before playing such as poker. But that is not the case with slots. A new person has the same chance of winning as the existing one. The main feature of a slot game is its randomness. In poker, you cannot guess which card you will get because of the randomness. If you are a tech person then you should know the random number generator.
Another element that involves in the slot award wins is volatility. You cannot know how much you are going to win with a slot and when.
Random Number Generator
It is a software that ensures that the output is random and fair. This software is not only used in slot games but also many other things. It makes sure that the result is unpredictable when the wheel is spun. If someone can guess the number then there is no point in gambling. Good casinos always use those games that had RNG confirmed and tested. However, there are still some casinos that follow bad practices. As a player, you should avoid such unfair slot games.
Return to Player
Another thing that you should know about RTP (Return to Player). It shows how much a player can win back on a slot. If a game has high RTP then it will have house wager. House wager means the amount that the casino will receive on your wager. That is why; there is no such game with 100% RTP because casinos mean to make a profit. The RTP percentage depends on many things.
These were some things that works behind a slot game to make it 100% random and fair. Without fairness, there is not point of gambling at all.
Didi is Uber’s newest competitor in Costa Rica. The similar service, from China, is offering impressive deals like 50% your first trip and a code, PURA VIDA, to earn ₡10,000 to use within the first two weeks. There will also be days with 20%, 50%, or 100% discounts that the company will assume. Drivers will get their normal pay.
Didi was started in 2012 and already has 550 million customers in the world. Most users are in China, Brazil, Australia, Japan, Mexico, and Colombia. Costa Rica is the first country in Central America to get the service. The company started here because of the amount of smartphone use compared to other countries nearby.
The first trips were made today, November 19. There are 5,000 cars signed up with the platform inside and outside of the Greater Metropolitan Area.
To become a driver with Didi, download the Didi Driver app. You must be over 21, have a license, present your crime sheet, and have a four-door car from 2009 or later with air conditioning and the right to circulate to date. Didi takes a 15% commission whereas uber takes 25%.
The Simpsons episode aired Sunday, Living the Pura Vida, had Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa, and Maggie vacationing in Costa Rica, touring mountains, beaches and waterfalls and enjoying tropical meals.
The family chanted “Costa Rica! Costa Rica! Costa Rica!” upon learning they were going to take this vacation. They then use the phrase “Pura Vida” insistently throughout the entire episode.
Featured in the episode is the exotic flora and wildlife Costa Rica is known for. It also had luxurious hotels and monkeys interacting with tourists. Also featured are other residents of Springfield who take the trip, including Milhouse’s mother.
The episode got good reviews, although some pointed out that it referenced Costa Rica as an island, which it is not. This was meant as a joke, however, to go along with the tourist book like “Lonely Planet” named “Lonely Island” in the episode.
The sun now sets at about quarter to five here, and the parkland is in full shadow before 4. Fall is in full flower, or rather unflower, with a large number of yellow and brown leaves waiting to come down with the first rain of the winter season.
It was nearly 80 degrees in northern California on November 18th, and we haven’t had any rain to speak of for 6 months.
The town of Paradise, which is 15 minutes up the hill from where I live, is being rebuilt. Eighty-five lives were lost, and nearly 20,000 homes and businesses were consumed in a matter of hours in California’s worst wildfire. It will take years to reconstruct the town. A year on, and you still see people living in trailers parked in driveways and fields around Chico.
A sign stands at a community destroyed by the Camp fire, Tuesday, Nov. 13, 2018, in Paradise, Calif. (AP Photo/John Locher)
A surprisingly accurate and moving PBS ‘Frontline’ depicts the harrowing fire and the aftermath of the absurdly named “Camp Fire.” If you have a ventricle beating in your heart, it will bring tears to your eyes and urgency to your worldview.
The moment I arrived at the sitting spot in the parkland, a young deer bounded across the creek and ran by at full speed along the bank, just 2 meters away. An unseen dog was barking at it from across the stream, and the frightened animal was going full throttle through the leaves into the brush.
The deer appeared to be running at about 25 mph. It was like standing two lanes away on a track and watching Usain Bolt sprinting at full tilt. Bolt, the fastest human ever recorded, topped out at nearly 28 miles per hour, which is about top speed for the most common deer species in the U.S.
The close encounter with the deer was an auspicious start to an excellent meditation, during which thought fell silent after passive observation gathered sufficient undirected attention. Just before rising, in a state beyond words, I wrote in my journal: Stillness. Mystery. Reverence. Love.
Love is not personal, but comes with the ending of personal reactions, concerns and action. Does all content in human consciousness come from the personal dimension, accumulated in the brain as residual memory?
I’m not sure, but the psychological movement of thought—the ego, ‘me’—arises from unnecessary and harmful memories stored in the brain.
The self, in whatever form, ineluctably congeals into a center. During methodless meditation the center dissolves in goal-less, unwilled attention, which is a completely different action than concentration.
In short, meditation happens; I don’t make it happen. The self, which is synonymous with the observer, can only prevent it from happening.
There is no center in the universe, and there need be no center within us. However it requires both hard work and a playful attitude with regard to one’s inner life to gain insight and liberation from psychological thought.
Even though the self still reconstitutes within one after a meditation, for a few hours there’s a feeling of completeness. That, I’m sure, is the most important thing a human being can feel.
So is ‘enlightenment’ when the brain does not revert and return to psychological memory, and reconstruct the self?
Be that as it may, why does one meditate? One may as well ask the birds why they swoop into the stream and clean themselves. For me, a period of passive watchfulness in the mirror of nature is simply inner hygiene.
Even so, one might ask, why is this inner action, by whatever name (methodless meditation, secular contemplation, non-analytic introspection) essential?
I’ve come to feel that no one inwardly survives with their heart intact and spirit growing in America, and perhaps this world, without learning and regularly applying the art of negation in meditation.
Awareness is quicker than thought. It’s essential to allow awareness to come to the observer, which is basically thought splitting off from itself in a millisecond.
When passive awareness is sustained, attention grows quicker than the infinite regression of the observer. The observer yields, and then there’s just observing. Meditation begins when the observer ends.
It still feels a little miraculous when the observer, time and thought suddenly and spontaneously cease in the simple act of unwilled attention to what is, within and without. Play with it, work at it and experiment with it in the mirror of nature.
The owner and guards of a night club in San Juan de Limón were arrested on Saturday night for allegedly pimping. The OIJ was alerted to a prostitution ring being carried out in the club.
15 victims have been found so far. The women are ages 18-25. Eight of them are Costa Ricans, three are Colombians, three are Venezuelans and one is Nicaraguan. The victims were promised jobs other than prostitution but then held in that place and made to participate. Some of the women filed complaints of rape because they were assaulted by subjects who threatened them with firearms.
The raid was executed around 10 pm. Authorities seized ₡1 million in cash, two firearms, and documents that can be used as evidence.
The Penal Code imposes two to five years in prison for those who promote prostitution or recruit for that purpose and up to ten years if the victim is a minor, or the accused has an authority relationship with the victim, or if there is deception, violence or intimidation.
he idea of spending Christmas or New Year’s Eve under a blanket of stars on Costa Rica’s highest peak, Chirripó, seems amazing. Those who have done so describe it as an experience that takes your breath away.
Can’t wait until the end of the year holidays? Lucky for you, there are great deals for November. Any trip in November is eligible for 25% off the lodging and meals. This doesn’t apply to the service of hauling bags, which is ₡2,831 per kilo.
There are still 700 spaces available for November compared to only 130 in December. To reserve, the first step is to check dates for availability at then go to to register and pay the entrance fee of ₡4,000 per day for nationals and $18 per day for foreigners. Next is to pay for the lodging within two days of paying the entrance. To take advantage of the 25% off for November dates you must claim the promotion at 2742-5200 or or else you will be charged the regular rate.
Keep in mind the lodge is 3,820 meters above sea level and only accessible by hiking 20 kilometers uphill.
Manuel Antonio Park has opened up a wastewater treatment plant to put an end to the bathroom problems. The new system measures the amount of water entering and exiting the bathrooms and issues alerts when nearing capacity.
The system cost $40,000 and was donated by the Costa Rica Forever Association, a non-governmental organization for the conservation of marine and terrestrial ecosystems. The donation includes maintenance of the plant for five years.
It replaces the old septic tank on beach 3, which was dysfunctional and led to sanitary orders in previous years. In August of last year, the park had to limit the entry of visitors to 1,300 per day because of oversaturating the septic tank. This March and April, the restriction was 1,700 per day.
The Costa Rican Tourism Institute is providing resources to rent additional bathrooms and improve current ones and buy new ones by 2020. The goal is to become a first-world national park with socioeconomic development that doesn’t jeopardize its ecological value.
There are major issues with liver transplants in Costa Rica. 40% of liver transplant patients die and 25% of the patients die in the first-month post-operation. Of the 144 patients who had this surgery in the last twelve years, 35 died in the first month, 18 after the first year, 4 after three years, and one five years after the operation. In Hospital Mexico, 45% of the patients die after this surgery. In the National Children’s Hospital, 52% of children die following this surgery.
When looking at figures worldwide, we see that the acceptable post-transplant mortality rate during the first month should be less than 9%.
The Caja’s whole transplant program is in crisis and is under a sanitary order by the Ministry of Health. The coordinator of the institutional transplant program recently resigned. Following the sanitary order, the CCSS agreed to resume payment to the transplant teams who were expected to work voluntarily before.
It’s been found by auditors that technical standards are lacking. The management has been asked to bring in an international transplant specialist. There is also the question of the learning curve for surgeons being that they only do 13 liver transplants per year in the whole country. Maybe they should be trained in countries that do these all day every day.
Look up at the moon tonight, as people have done for tens of thousands of years. In the mind’s eye, one can envision the few remnants of the Apollo landings strewn across the tidally locked side of the earth’s huge satellite we see.
If the greedy fools in China and America have their way however, instead of the awe-inspiring site of a full moon, your grandchildren may see massive solar farms with the naked eye.
“Building an industrial base on the moon is necessary to enable China’s ambition to build a ring of orbital power stations to supply all of Earth with constant green electricity built from lunar materials, a concept called space-based solar power,” the Washington Post reports.
That gives new meaning to China’s Belt and Road Initiative, which is building the global infrastructure to feed, literally and rapaciously, the insatiable appetites of billion and a half consumers in China.
“The moon offers humanity the materials to become a space-faring species…and the country that establishes a viable jumping-off point from the moon will be the first to get the opportunity to benefit from trillion dollars worth of space-based resources.”
That’s the theme of a hang-wringing piece in the WAPO entitled, “Trump is focused on the China trade war when he should be concerned about space.”
The moon may offer humanity the materials to become a space-faring species—if we can begin to live in imperfect harmony with nature and each other on the earth.
But to say in the next breath that “the country that establishes a viable jumping-off point from the moon will be the first to get the opportunity to benefit from trillion dollars worth of space-based resources” is lunacy.
Such ‘development’ will not be the “intermittent insanity once believed to be related to the phases of the moon,” but the permanent insanity of man. We may as well put up billboards on the moon declaring the bottomless stupidity of our species.
China has “plans to establish an Earth-moon space economic zone by 2050, with the potential to generate $10 trillion annually.” Do China’s precious “internal affairs” now extend to strip-mining the moon?
The conclusion we’re supposed to draw from such folly? “Just as China has attempted to expand its influence over the seas here on Earth, it may try to do so in space, with tremendous implications for the future of democracy in the solar system and beyond.”
Nothing renders the tribalistic impulse of nationalism, ‘my country first,’ more absurd than the phrase, “tremendous implications for the future of democracy in the solar system and beyond.”
American capitalists have been drooling over the Chinese market for 30 years. But China’s future may look more a lot more like Hong Kong than Beijing. The Communist Party of China (CPC) fears millions of people tearing apart their gleaming cities, which offer plenty of goodies for atheistic materialists, but destroy the spiritual, intellectual and political freedom of human beings.
Of course that’s also why the CPC has pumped billions into artificial intelligence surveillance systems, which threaten to make everyone, inside and outside China, a “Person of Interest.”
As over a million Uyghurs, an ethnic Muslim minority in a supposedly autonomous territory in northwest China, can attest, entire peoples can now be surveilled and interned.
It is one of the greatest ironies of human history that Chinese communists figured out how to have their capitalistic cake and keep eating communist power too. The purported power of capitalism to bring democracy in its wake has been turned on its head. Without radical change, we’re witnessing is democracy’s funeral wake!
Sadly, with the exceptions of Hong Kong and Taiwan, Confucian contentment with China’s bargain with the devil speaks to the character of the Chinese people, and the intractable self-centeredness of human nature. It appears the adage “absolute power corrupts absolutely” applies not just to the CPC, but China as a whole where humanity is concerned. Why are the Chinese people so weak?
“The moon could serve as a new and tremendous supplier of energy…whoever first conquers the moon will benefit first.” The clarion call for a new space race rightly receives a shrug by Americans 50 years after winning our nationalistic moonshot against the USSR.
“Accessing vast new stores of energy to fuel its economy is a key motivation for China’s space economic zone.” After they have denuded Africa and South America no doubt.
The idea that a single nation would have the grandiose dream of ringing the moon with solar stations, while laying claim to its minerals for its own nationalistic purposes, is preposterous. The entire Western, Westphalian model of sovereign nation-states has reached its dystopian nadir in the People’s Republic of China.
As a people Americans have turned inward in all the wrong ways, while the Chinese have turned outward in all the wrong ways. It’s time for a massive course correction in both peoples.
Air Panama has resumed flights between David, in Chiriquí, and the Juan Santamaría International Airport, in Costa Rica. The flights, announced last week, will be on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
Media publications in Panama shared that the flights will take place in a Fokker turboprop plane for 50 passengers. They will depart from Panama at 11:50 am and then from Costa Rica at 12:40 pm.
The Panamanian company offered the flight in 2015 as part of a campaign called “Panama has it all,” and even connected it to Bocas del Toro as a final destination in the northeast, popular among tourists, but at some point it was suspended.
Air Panama approved the permits needed for the route and is ready to resume the service. A promotional fare of $99 roundtrip will be offered as part of the commercial strategy to attract passengers in the next few weeks.
During a restoration, an original wall of the old Lehmann Bookshop was discovered. After the original construction, it was covered but it will be restored and featured once again.
The surprise of finding the wall behind a structure that was built over it happened on Thursday. The Center for Research and Conservation of Cultural Heritage publicized about it on its Facebook profile.
The work to show off the facade originally built in 1914 by Gerardo Rovira, with an elegant neoclassical style, has already begun. Old photos were referenced to have a better idea of the original appearance.
Pilasters will be rebuilt. These are flat columns that were attached to the wall. They covered the entire height of the building rather than having some on each level. Their original proportions will be used and bring back the sophistication of the classical building.
If you are visiting Elk Grove, CA – and you want to experience a ghostly presence, you can take the Laguna Blvd exit off I-5 South. Go down Laguna Blvd, until you have reached Franklin Blvd. Go down Franklin Blvd and make a left on Big Horn Blvd. Follow Big Horn Blvd until you can’t go any further, park your car and walk down the dead end road, that has been fenced off for the purpose of closing off incoming traffic. Walk along the greenbelt, until you reach a large walnut tree to your right side and a fence closing off the rest of the street. You will see railroad tracks past the fence. You are now at the right spot to experience a ghostly presence, a ghostly presence referred to as the Wailing Girl of Dead End Road.
I first learned about this, because some of my neighbors know me as a ghost hunter. Jonathan H, who does not want to be fully identified says that while walking his dog and walking with his wife, they went up the greenbelt on Big Horn Blvd and followed the greenbelt to it’s dead end. It was a Summer night and they could not sleep, because their air conditioner was out. The time was 2 a.m. and it felt refreshing to be in the warm Summer night taking a night walk. When they got to the dead end part of Big Horn Blvd, they could hear a woman sobbing and crying. Jonathan had his flashlight and pointed it towards the area where he heard the crying and could not see anything. When the flashlight was pointing in the opposite direction, the crying sounds happened again. Jonathan and his wife did not see any woman crying and cold chills went up and down their spines. Jonathan’s wife tells her husband…”let’s get the hell out of here!” Jonathan and his wife came to the conclusion that they witnessed something paranormal.
Talking with some neighborhood high school boys, I learned that the dead end road was a hang out at times for high school kids, a place where they could vape and perhaps get into some other activities. Dead End Road is very secluded from the rest of the neighborhood. Lonnie (one of the high school boys) says a girl from his high school went to Dead End Road to party with some of her school mates. This girl learned at Dead End Road that her boyfriend has been cheating with her best friend and some of the girls partying at Dead End Road showed this girl pictures of her boyfriend kissing her best friend. The girl started sobbing and crying immediately. When the party ended, the girl remained at Dead End Road and continued to cry. I asked Lonnie and his friends, if the girl is still in the neighborhood and if she is still alive. Lonnie says she moved to San Mateo with her parents and yes, she is very much alive. Her life is now back to normal and she has a new man in her life. This new man is her fiancee.
So I wonder, did this crying high school girl project out a lot of negative energy at Dead End Road? Is that negative energy residual energy that plays out over and over again? Is this a case of a living ghost? Living Ghost is defined as energy placed into the atmosphere by a living human being. The energy can be negative or it can be positive and like a tape recorder, it will replay the incident over and over again. A Living Ghost is residual energy that lives on forever.
Stanley Loomis from Stockton said that while visiting friends in Elk Grove, he has also took a stroll to Dead End Road and heard a girl crying. Stanley looked around and saw no sign of a woman at that location, but did see a very large centipede cross the sidewalk and he watched the centipede as it skidaddled into a hole. Stanley wonders if that was some kind of sign? My wife Deanna Jaxine Stinson – a psychic medium finds the place fascinating, because certain areas where you walk, you will find large hawk feathers and nearby are owls, hawks and falcons on the power lines looking into the fields for mice to feed on. Late at night, you will see glowing eyes in the field, those glowing eyes are the numerous jackrabbits that make their home in the field. Deanna and I, have not experienced the Wailing Girl…..well, not yet.
Date to be there: October 18, 2019 Friday/ Time to be there: 1900 Hours. Address to be at: XXXX Watt Avenue, Bldg D, #101, Sacramento. This is an apartment. I will need to know who will be attending. Contact Person: Bernadette. Activity: Lots of tragedy for this family. Husband killed himself by gun. Portal may have opened and a demonic force came through terrorizing this family. Their house burned down mysteriously. Bernadette lives in an apartment with her daughter and 6 year old grandson. Their grandson is having night terrors and is being attacked by what he calls “The Bad Man”. He is getting scratched and bruised from the Bad Man. Bernadette is requesting an investigation / cleansing.
If I had a normal life, I would probably be busy watching CW’s new TV line up, like Legacies, Charmed, Pandora, Black Lightning, Riverdale, The Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, Batwoman, Supernatural, The Outpost, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, iZombie, Freedom Fighters: The Ray, The Secret Circle and Nikita. Great shows, but I can only watch a few here and there, because just like the heroes of these shows, our team and I, are sent out to help someone in need. Someone that is being terrorized by the paranormal. Our team, HPI (Halo Paranormal Investigations) is sent out to investigate, to cleanse and to make things normal again. Take away the para in paranormal and we seek out “the norm” for a family in need. This is a case where we are trying to bring normalcy to a family in desperate need of help. Here is what occurred:
HPI Paranormal Investigators Present: Paul Dale Roberts – HPI Co-Owner; Deanna Jaxine Stinson – HPI Co-Owner and Psychic Medium, Randall Johnson.
Deanna did a walk through and picked up on a very tall man with a baseball cap. Bernadette (the occupant) confirmed that the tall man was the grandfather. She said he was tall, 6’3″ and at times would wear a baseball cap. Deanna said he was wearing khakis and Bernadette said he would wear khakis. We obtained 3 EVPs. One EVP, was a male voice saying “hello”, 2nd EVP was a full on conversation done in a whisper (unintelligible) and the 3rd EVP was a male voice saying “I’m here”. The new batteries in my digital recorder completely died. There was a urn with human ashes in the living room, in which I blessed. I had the mother baptize her son. Her son has reoccurring nightmares where he is being chased by a demon, in which he calls the Bad Man. Bernadette feels he has an attachment. I instructed and supervised the mother on how to give her son a full submersion baptism. After the baptism, I conducted a Roman Catholic house blessing. Deanna also picked up on a dog and Bernadette’s dog recently died in this apartment. Deanna described the dog and Bernadette confirmed it was her dog that Deanna was describing.VIDEOS FROM THE INVESTIGATION: