Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Costa Rica’s National Decarbonization Plan

The success of the National Decarbonization Plan greatly relies on local communities and governments drawing up specific plans that work in each sector. Monteverde, for example, has chosen to focus on electric vehicles. They have secured places in the community and on the way to it where cars can be charged. They’ve also brought up the idea of buying an electric car between various neighbors who will share it.

Desamparados came up with a way to avoid using drinking water to wash municipal vehicles. They reuse water. After being used, it goes through a tank with a garden on top that purifies it. It is then recovered and reused to rewash the fleet. It also has a consolidated recycling center that generates 1,100 tons of valuable waste per year.

Curridabat is another great example. It is working on greater conservation of the La Colina park. There, people can use smartphones to learn about biodiversity in the area. They will also create runners in the middle of streets that go beyond grass to include plants that flower and produce fruits that the local animals can benefit from. It is also taking part in a cycle path project that will allow one to bike from La Sabana to Tres Rios.

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