Tuesday, May 12, 2020

6 Survival Tips For The Outdoorsy

If you are an outdoorsy type of person, you definitely know how to enjoy the fresh air and all the wonders of nature. You probably also know how to gear up properly for your outdoor activities, in order to be prepared for all kinds of situations. In fact, gearing up is the first step you need to take when embarking on an adventure. You cannot go hiking in your old sneakers, for example.

When any kind of outdoor adventures are in question, people don’t want to think about accidents, emergencies and lurking dangers. It might take the fun out of your activity for a couple of moments, but the truth is, you definitely need to think about it. Going unprepared increases your chances of injury and even death, and no matter how gruesome it is to even take that into consideration, every professional will make sure to be prepared for all kinds of unwanted scenarios.

When deciding to go on an adventure, you should do the same. There are a lot of useful tips and tricks you can find at Survival Methods and similar places online to help you stay safe and stay alive during your venture. Don’t assume that you know it all and don’t choose to manage situations and emergencies as they appear, without getting any prior knowledge. Sure, dealing with emergencies on the spot is a necessary trait of any adventurous person, but you still need to know how to deal with them before they occur.

Even if you never end up in and emergency, learning how to get out of them successfully will save you a lot of trouble. It is always better to be safe than sorry and, when nature is in question, one can never be prepared enough. That’s why I have prepared a few useful survival tips for all the outdoor persons setting out on an adventure. Some of them might seem trivial to you and you might think that they are common knowledge that everybody is aware of, but they are worth repeating over and over again.

It’s completely normal that you cannot be prepared for every single thing that might happen, but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t do your best to get prepared for most of them. As I have already mentioned, you might not even need to use these tricks if everything goes smoothly, but if you learn them, you will know exactly what to do in case you find yourself in a pickle. Let’s get started with the tips.

How To Make A Fire Signal

A fire signal might come in handy in multiple situations, but you need to know how to create it. A fire that produces little to no smoke won’t do you any good, because you need thick smoke if you want someone to notice it. For this signal, you will need pine and spruce leaves. Once you have built a small fire using twigs and branches, cover it with spruce and pine leaves. They will cause the branches to burn intensely and produce more smoke.

Read a few more tips on how to send a smoke signal: https://adventure.howstuffworks.com/survival/wilderness/how-to-send-smoke-signal1.htm

How To Retain Body Heat

Sometimes, you might get caught in cold weather, without the option of creating a fire. In those cases, knowing how to retain body heat will be a life-saving tip. Gather dry grass, leaves and any newspapers that you might have and stuff it under your clothes in order to retain as much heat as possible. This will make a significant difference in keeping you warm, which is why it is a great short-term solution.

How To Get Water From Trees

If you run out of water, you will definitely start panicking. Luckily, nature has something in store for you. Put a clean plastic bag around the leaves of a tree. It’s best to find trees directly exposed to the sun, because the sun is responsible for making water evaporate out of leaves. When you put the bag around the leaves, the water will evaporate directly into it and you can later store it in a container of your choice.

How To Relieve Bug Bites

Bug bites are very annoying and don’t let anyone convince you that they are not a big deal. Of course, there are worse things that can happen, but that doesn’t mean that you should just make your peace with the pain and the itching, especially when there is a way to get relief. Make sure to pack some toothpaste when you set out. Among other things from your home, such as the ones found on this page, toothpaste will help relieve the pain, the itchiness and the swelling of the bug bites.

How To Get Noticed In The Dark

Sometimes you will want to be spotted by rescue groups or someone else. That can be a bit tricky when it is pitch black and shouting and screaming won’t help you if there are no people nearby. That’s why it is a good idea to carry glow sticks with you. These can come in handy and help you get noticed in the dark.

How To Wash Wounds

The most common mistake that people make when they get injured is using any kind of water to wash the wounds. You should never, ever use dirty water on your wounds. Instead, you can boil the water if you have the time and the resources, or you can bring purifying tablets with you, which will turn unclean water into clean.

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