Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Coronavirus Guidelines in Costa Rica as Businesses Open

The Ministry of Health has issued a new set of guidelines for beauty salons, food services, and sports practice. Basic recommendations include keeping workers and customers distanced from one another by 1.8 meters, increasing cleaning, providing items for staff and clients to wash their hands, and having signage showing how to cough and sneeze and ways to greet one another without touching.

Some of the recommendations for take-out services include assuring that there is toilet paper and soap in dispensers, paper towels for drying hands and garbage cans with pedal-operated lids. Disinfection must be ensured with a log book. They also must stay below 50% occupancy. Companies with elevators should restrict the number of people using them at a time, considering the distance of 1.8 meters between people.

Beauty salons and barber shops are requested to offer special times for those at increased risk of contracting covid-19, operate only by appointment, and disinfect all equipment including glasses and masks between clients. Capes should only be used for one client and then washed. Paper towels or toilet paper should be placed between the material and the client’s skin.

Those who want to go out to exercise should do so alone or only with those they live with. 1.8 meters of distance should be maintained between people who don’t live together, such as groups of cyclists.

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