Tuesday, December 26, 2017

What Are The New Traffic Laws in Costa Rica?

Costa Rica News – You might need to know some of these if you are driving in Costa Rica in 2018. 

There are 19 new changes to the Traffic Law approved on Monday in the first debate.

  1. Loading and unloading areas have been defined as space on public roads exclusively for loading and unloading merchandise.
  2. Vehicles with a gross weight over 2 tons cannot be parked on urban or suburban roads, except in authorized stops
  3. It is prohibited to park in a loading and unloading area.
  4. The Transit Police can remove the plates of vehicles obstructing public roads, transit, sidewalks, bike lanes or in front of public service stops.
  5. A fine of ¢ 306,850 will be imposed on any driver refusing a breathalyzer. He will also be taken to the Public Ministry.
  6. The driver can challenge the result of the blood alcohol test and will be entitled to a second test. However, if the result is positive in the second test, the driver must pay for it.
  7. A sanction of ¢ 306,850, instead of ¢ 21,992, is set for producing noise above the decibel limits allowed by law.
  8. An economic sanction of ¢ 306,850 will be imposed and the plates will be removed from vehicles whose emissions of gases, fumes or contaminating particles exceed the limits established in the Veteran Technical Review.
  9. The circulation of vehicles with polarized mirror is prohibited, except factory polarization that allows visibility from the inside out and vice versa of 100%.
  10. Tickets can be given while the driver is not in the vehicle. They can also be made for infractions captured by cameras.
  11. Driving with a B-1 license (for light vehicles) on non-primary roads is eliminated.
  12. The fine imposed on the driver who drives without the license required for the type and class of vehicle driven is increased from ¢51,316 to ¢104,600.
  13. The Transit Authority may remove the plates of public transport vehicles when the driver drives with an expired license.
  14. There will be a fine of ¢22,000 to the owner of the vehicle that circulates with a driver without a driver’s license.
  15. There is a sanction of ¢104,600 for not properly securing cargo.
  16. The penalty for exceeding the number of passengers allowed is ¢104,600.
  17. The same fine is imposed if the driver transports passengers in the trunk.
  18. A fine of ¢51,316 will be imposed on the driver who disrespects the instructions of the traffic officers.
  19. A sanction of ¢51,316 applies for operating a taxi or special passenger service in unauthorized areas.

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