Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Costa Rica Laws Regarding Electric Cars Holding Up Customs Processing

Costa Rica News – The laws regarding electric cars are not clear or being enforced, it seems, as 22 cars are stuck in Customs waiting on clarification.

There is confusion because the agencies say they were informed that a regulation is required while the Treasury Department insists that the regulation only applies to spare parts.

Group Q has 20 Hyundai Ioniq electric cars. Grupo Automotriz has two more Ford Focus electric vehicles. While 20 Hyundai units have been sold they cannot be delivered because of the situation.

Customs informed both agencies that they should wait for the publication of the regulation to be able to deliver them with the exemptions offered by the new Law of Incentives and Promotion of Electric Transportation.

The Danissa Group is also affected. It seeks to market the electric car Nissan Leaf in the country. It already has demand from customers but is on hold awaiting the publication of the regulation.

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