Saturday, January 11, 2020

7 Heavens, 11 Sacred Flames & Vampire Song

The spirit of Heaven is happiness. This feeling is an eternal nirvana which one is healthiest and safest in. The lengths that one would go to achieve this is like a very sacred journey. Some will never achieve this state of enlightenment which reflects light eternally., but instead they would fall back into the shadowy abyss of nothing.

A utopia, according to the definition, is an imagined community or society that possesses highly desirable or nearly perfect qualities for its citizens. So, this means it is a constant happy state by which multiple people are living in. It can also be applied to the spiritual realms.

Heaven is a place regarded in various religions as the abode of God (or the gods) and the angels, and of the good after death, often traditionally depicted as being above the sky. It is also noted as the sky, or upper atmosphere. The number 7 is considered angelic and frequently associated with these ideologies. 

In this article I am going to mention a handful of stories of different astral places. Keep in mind that these are really philosophies on the human condition and the hereafter. All one can do is speculate, as even though fate is entwined into our state of being, we are led to believe we can transcend anything that we put our minds to.

Eden is the place in biblical mythology where Adam and Eve were residing before they did one wrong thing to disobey their God and so were cast out into the world. The garden was believed to have two magical trees which were not to be touched as they were sacred. These were the tree of life and tree of knowledge. Anyone who ate from the tree or disobeyed God’s commands were disposed of. This is just the beginning for mortals of luck and love as we know it.

Elysian Fields
Elysium is the place at the ends of the earth to which certain favored heroes were conveyed by the gods after death. Once a person had proven their strength and nobility, they would be allowed access to this realm. This philosophy comes from classic mythology.

Heaven is described in different religious texts as a place where angels dwell with those who have passed tests and trials of the desires of the mortal realms. Their eternal souls live here in peace and purity in alliance with God.

Mount Olympus
This mountain is described as the home of the gods in Greek mythology. The retreat was created after a battle between the gods and titans and so sanctuary was taken here. Since only the gods live there it is considered a Heaven because it is so magical.


Nirvana is a transcendent state in which there is neither suffering, desire, nor sense of self, and the subject is released from the effects of karma and the cycle of death and rebirth. It represents the final goals of Buddhism.

Other World

The Other world is a realm where one is given the gifts of immortality such as eternal youth and joy. It seems people have explained accidentally running into these realms by way of strange weather and luck. Oftentimes heroes or those with pure hearts end up crossing these boundaries indirectly due to their energy fields being so strong and piercing.

Hanging Gardens of Babylon
This is a place which many people have described so accurately through visions that others wonder if it was actually a real place or just one defined in mythology. Because of the gorgeous imagery relayed from the daydreams of history, it has become a magnificent heaven regarded as one of the seven wonders of the world.

7 Heavens
Love is considered to be a heaven on Earth for the pure of heart. If you can find true love on this planet then it means that you have brought Heaven to yourself while alive, which is rare, but possible like every other idea here.

The sun and moon set in the flame of the figment of desire.

The place where light divides in an ocean of stars. Like the reflections cast onto water in the oceans of the Earth. The place where we wish to continue even when there is nothing left. The state of existence in the light of day and night dreams.
There is always something more as light is infinite.

7 Hells
According to Norse mythology, Ragnarök is a series of events, including a great battle, foretold to lead to the death of a number of great gods by time in the form of natural disasters and the submersion of the world in water.

This can also be described as the destruction of Heaven and Earth in time. Due to many different religious theories and histories, there seems to be a common theme of creation and destruction in line with the natural world.

7 Endings
Each day we rise and fall with the movement of the universe inside of a week, or 7 days. The melody which chains us all together is the magic that binds us here. Once we realize the truth then we will be able to step into another reality. That is the ending of anything of course- enlightenment and then there is transformation and change forever, until the one-day God returns to judge us all and place us somewhere else.

11 Sacred Flames

Fire is the symbol for transformation. This is because it burns up things of the past in order to purify the environment and energy in the present and future. It is an element of time along with air, earth, water and spirit.

The flames of a fire can be many different temperatures, thus causing the flames to turn several colors, such as wavelengths of light in a rainbow. They can be represented as different expressions of emotion, thus symbolizing different connotations in meaning.

Hell is theorized as a place full of low-level hot flames or by the color red, while at the opposite end of the spectrum is the indigo cooler tones and high airy energy field. In the night versus the daytime, the expressions change as brighter lights mute highlighted areas.

So, below I have broken up the holy fire symbol into 11 different places. This is the general colors which we use today to represent many different things in the metaphysical and occult symbolism of spirituality. The reason for this is to understand desire and intentions, their place inside of us and where we are going in time in relevance with light.

Red Flames
Because red is the symbol of hell, it makes sense that it would be the lowest temperature lighting on the spectrum. Hell is considered a place for low level beings. Red symbolizes love, the devil, blood, anger and passion. This is a beautiful, terrifying and intense color which represents burning up energy on the shadow or Earthen planes.

Orange Flames
Orange symbolizes creativity and it is in this expression where we move from red forward towards a brighter future. Orange flames are good for gathering energy to build up strength for the rest of your journey. Orange in dreams can symbolize friendships and dreams.

Yellow Flames
Yellow is the symbol for happiness, loyalty, clarity and intelligence. Seeing yellow is a positive omen and blessings. It can represent a portal opening which will lead you to a content and loving life. Venus is said to represent the color yellow and the element of fire.

Green Flames
Green is the color of nature and wealth. Green is abundance and paradise. To see green rise in a flame means that you are being nourished by the Earth and all her gifts are yours to share. Green is a lucky color which means all the unlucky is being burned away.

Blue Flames
Blue is the color of the heavens and skies. It represents peace and serenity. It can warn us to pay attention to our intuition and guide us to see signs and their meaning in spiritual ways. It also represents Michael, the angel of truth.

Purple Flames
Purple is a divine color. This is the purest part of our body, the top of the head which reaches from the physical realms into the next one. It is the bridge between this Earth and the spiritual planes. It represents royalty and authority.

Pink Flames
Pink is the color for feminine energies. It can indicate romance and other partnerships. It works well with the color purple and is a very complimentary color when paired together with others in the higher realms.

White Flames

White is the ultimate symbol for purity. It is a sign of absolution from our sins. It represents something untouched, innocent and holy. It is hard for negative energies to attach to this flame as it burns at such a bright temperature.

Silver Flames

Silver is the color of the divine feminine and is also considered pure, as gold too because of the metallic properties. Silver and gold both represent blessings and luck, much more than the green abundant luck. Silver is lucky with fighting evil.

Golden Flames
Gold is the flame of true love and wishes. It symbolizes birthdays, immortality, riches, music and excellent blessings. Seeing a golden flame or feeling it on you in the shape of a sun or other light fire is considered a huge blessing of success and connection to divinity.

Black Flames
Black is the dead beginning and end closing and starting together. It is the night which wraps around the stars and moon to give shape to fate and magic. Black absorbs all negative energies and protects from evil as it’s darkness can shade anything. Black is symbolic of hidden secrets which will soon be brought to light.

11 Sacred Flames

These lights can be used to communicate with the spirit world, angels and gods in visions and dreams. They can take different meanings to several cultures and religions, but this is the general interpretations of modern-day western society.

We can also meditate and visualize the color flame of which we want to draw or spark near us in order to bring healing towards our spirits. There are several different ways that you can incorporate these colors by lights and fire into your life for luck.

The fire and light shapes metals, earth and wood. It is a very strong and powerful gift from the other worlds. Not only can we use it to shape our tools and weapons, but also our spirits. May you be blessed forever and bathed in the light of a thousand rainbows.

Vampire Song

I give way my shadow to your light

And I take your light to my shadow

with hope

Vampire Song
Apollo plays the part of the sun God who created the first curse and caused a mortal to never again see this light without consequence of death. Were the wicked cursed allowed to live forever in the moonlight, but will never again feel warmth of life.

Bats, a symbol of luck and omens can also be attributed to making wishes or granting desires. The vampire runs on its desires. The most notable is their ability to use physical desires such as sex to hypnotize the victims into submission.

Death is heavily emphasized in this context. The bat can be seen as a death omen as well as the vampire itself. The bat has supersonic hearing and Apollo, who created vampires is also the God of music. The vampire has an enchanting song sung by the gods of death.

The End of A Song
The end of a song is the creation of silence. The quiet solitude of echoes. The afterlife of the eternal dance.

This is where our blood ties into the symphony. It is a symbol of life and knowledge because of our spiritual d.n.a. encoding. Our hands hold the power of creation and destruction, knowledge or life. The power to kill or bring pleasure.

We bring offerings of energy in the form of songs, words, incense and prayers to feed the angels and devils our fuel for the sky to reach the heavens and be returned mana as antidote to our dooms. It is a cycle of endless growth. To water the eternal garden of paradise where sun meets night through a gate like the space between the sun and moon.

Resurrections of Stars
The star is very significant in Hollywood culture as a symbol for dreams coming true. The vampire has been resurrected in numerous songs and film. For not being able to reflect in a mirror they sure are fond of it in the form of mortal stars who leave behind their tales of destiny in the signs of symbols.

Eternal culture gives rise to fallen angels who are lost protectors of the good realms and instead chose to rule over the kingdoms of the rotting corpses walking around as shells with souls inside. They instead live forever on a projected screen in the hearts of the living.

A stake through a vampire’s heart is symbolic of an energy healer cutting cords. A vampire works a love spell over it’s unsuspecting victims in order to gain power and control of the body and mind of the soul inside. This is in order to feed on blood more readily, but in turn, much like venom of a snake’s bites it ends up leaving a poison which causes the person to crave the presence of the vampire deeply to get drunk on their essence as well, in hopes of feeding on eternal highs. When the vampire finally leaves the one it was feeding on it causes an intense low because it is like a blood magick ritual where you feed on the energy created and it makes you intoxicated and spun out.

The person can be left with such a powerful psychic sense they can become more in tune with music, thus altering the frequencies of the world in which the demons manifest in their many forms to wreak havoc and harvest energy to offer the God’s for favor and luck.

This is how the world runs is on desire. Where our intentions are is where our salvation also lies. Let yourself be called out of the temple which you reside into the freedom of your power.

By Deanna Jaxine Stinson aka Wish Fire
Halo Paranormal Investigations
Sacramento Paranormal Help

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