Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Poltergeist Scares the Occupants & Ariana Grande Sees a UFO!

Let’s talk poltergeist and then let’s talk about Ariana Grande’s sighting of a UFO and see her picture of the UFO!  The first story is our investigation of a home that has poltergeist activity.  Since we are Fortean Investigators and investigate ALL things paranormal, we can shift from investigating a poltergeist to analyzing a report in regard of a UFO.  So sit back and enjoy the adventures of HPI (Halo Paranormal Investigations).  Let’s start with the poltergeist investigation first.  

October 26, 2019 Saturday / Time to be there: 7pm. Contact: Jim and Joe. Poltergeist activity. Things moved around the house, cabinets open, things flying in the air. A black compass shows up in the house, they destroy it and the next day it reappears all intact. Joe’s son played with a 1960 Ouija Board.  The Ouija Board may had an attachment that was deposited at this residence.  Address to be at: Carmichael, CA 

HPI Paranormal Investigators Roll Call:
Paul Dale Roberts, Deanna Jaxine Stinson, Christina Vonacek, Justin Mather, Mike Ouilhon, Pelenta Forrest, Steve Foulk, Kathy Payne Foulk, Amy Stockwell, Angela Chessnutt. 

We had two investigative sessions.  During those sessions, Pelenta mapped out the entities on her Kinnect.  Steve Foulk discovered the entire home had a high EMF reading.  With a high EMF reading, this could be the energy food that the entities are consuming to cause poltergeist type of activity.  Captured an EVP that says “I’m here”. Kinnect word came through, it says after we ask what your name is.  “Frank Knight”.  Captured an EVP that says “Chris”.  Captured a female voice EVP that says “here”.  Kathy takes a picture of Steve and on his back is a mist.  Kathy takes a picture of the wall and captures a face with eyes, mouth and nose.  Angela captures a designer orb in her photo that is bluish in color.  Captured an EVP that says “me too”.  Deanna picked up on a little boy in the back bedroom.  Amy picked up on some odd energy radiating from the kitchen area.

Investigators witnessed poltergeist phenomena.  A swisher broom that is placed against a cabinet tightly, leaves the cabinet and falls to the floor.  Investigators witness a dog toy fly across the living room.  I conducted a Roman Catholic house blessing.  I hope the family will obtain the peace that they deserve.


Ariana Grande Snaps Photos of U.F.O.s In the Sky

Ariana Grande is an angel according to her current bio on Twitter. Which could be exactly why I was drawn towards her yesterday especially.

I had just finished doing a live psychic reading video on Sacramento Paranormal Help’s Facebook page where a client had asked me to summon Uriel the angel to give him a message. So, I did this and I had a vision when Uriel appeared of white angel wings unfolding and light holding a heart. Then, I was talking how the energy felt when Uriel was around like fresh flowers and then he telepathically told me in symbols that he was more like ice coming from the clouds. Anyways, we deal with the research of synchronicity and signs as that is tied into the occult.

After I had finished I noticed a tweet which she then deleted, but you can see on my Instagram at angelicmusicbox. It was three emojis, consisting of; a cloud, white heart and snowflake. I’m sure it has to do with her album, but it was the timing of everything that triggered my psychic intuition on Uriel’s energy flow.

So, then I proceeded to go somewhere to run an errand and heard her song,”No Tears Left to Cry” on the radio and thought again, I better study her for a bit. So, to my surprise, the next step I took was to look at her Instagram page and story and see what Uriel was trying to tell me. Then, I was stunned when I noticed she snapped photos of U.F.O.’s in the sky! I tried to get her attention, but I don’t know if she saw because I wanted more information, but they are definitely unidentified objects and I can’t make out where she is located right now so here are the screenshots instead…

By Paul Dale Roberts aka The Demon Warrior
Halo Paranormal Investigations
Sacramento Paranormal Help

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