Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Supernatural Terror in Florin, California

Before I get into our paranormal investigation at a private residence in Florin, let me give you a bit of history about Florin, CA.  This is what Wikipedia has to say about Florin, CA

“During the early 20th century Florin’s economy focused on agricultural production. Strawberries were the most common produce grown. Japanese immigrants were the dominant group in Florin and they were the predominant farmers in Florin, making the area noted for being a Japanese immigrant community. This immigrant group’s rendering of land in Florin had some popular renown. “In his report to Governor William Stephens, Colonel John P. Irish, president of the California Delta Association, described Japanese triumph: ‘They [the Californians] had seen the Japanese convert the barren land like that at Florin and Livingston into productive and profitable fields, orchards and vineyards, and intelligence of their industry.‘”

The presence of Japanese immigrants in Florin was not always met with such good will as expressed by Colonel Irish. “As soon as a Jap can produce a lease,” the Sacramento Bee warned, “he is entitled to a wife. He sends a copy of his lease back home and gets a picture bride and they increase like rats. Florin is producing 85 American-born Japs a year.” This article was in critical response to the Gentlemen’s Agreement of 1907 between the US and Japan.

World War II
Local and Federal treatment of Nisei (Japanese immigrants and US-born Japanese Americans) in Florin took a drastic downturn upon the bombing of Pearl Harbor and the subsequent war between the US and Japan. At the time, about 2,500 Florin residents were Nikkei, forming a majority of the town’s population. With a little fear and a lot of racial hostility, the Federal Government sent Japanese and Japanese Americans to internment camps according to FDR’s Executive Order 9066. Florin Japanese American resident and educator Mary Tsukamoto recalled “everyone was given short notice for removal. Signs had been nailed to the telephone poles saying that we had to report to various spots.” Florin’s Japanese and Japanese American residents were forced to “register as families. We had to report to the Elk Grove Masonic Building where we were given our family numbers, No. 2076.” The Elk Grove Masonic Building referred to by Tsukamoto was located in neighboring Elk Grove near a railroad station where the Florin residents were shipped in rail cars to distribution hubs. At these distribution hubs Florin’s residents of Japanese descent were then sent to internment camps far from the coast.

The internment forever changed the character of Florin. Japanese and Japanese American residents had to sell their property within only a few days and often at prices far below their fair market value. When the Japanese and Japanese Americans were released from the internment camps some were able to return to Florin and start over. Most had to move on to other areas. Florin ceased to be a Japanese American community as it was before the internment.”

Reading this, I would say I can understand why this land may be haunted.  Here is the initial report that I received from our clients.

Date to be there: November 2, 2019 Saturday / Time to be there: 8pm. Contact Person: Vanessa/Alicia. Activity: pill bottle flew across the room, cupboards open and slam shut, thuds heard on wall, footsteps heard, doors open and close, scratching on walls are heard, foul smells, shadow figures in the garage, things go missing, when occupants go to sleep – an entity will stand over them and watch them, they can feel someone’s breath on them, dog goes crazy when he sees a spirit, baby heard crying, kids are heard talking, something fell off wall and crashes to the ground, but there is nothing that fell. Address to be at: Florin, CA

Paul Dale Roberts – HPI Co-Owner; Deanna Jaxine Stinson – Psychic Medium – HPI Co-Owner; Sue Spaulding (Guest); Casey Saumure (Guest); Greg Saumure (Guest); Angela Chessnutt; Richard “Ox” Oxenrider (Guest).

Vanessa and Alicia, along with some other family members related the following:  In the master bedroom, an entity watches Alicia while she is in the shower.  Deanna picked up on female energy and this female entity was suffering from cancer.  This is most likely residual energy that Deanna was picking up on.  Our clients tell us that there dog sees the entities and will refuse to go into certain areas of the house.  In Alicia’s son’s room, scratching is heard.  Deanna sees a little boy with a black hat.  Ox felt a charge of energy in the little boy’s room as he opened the door.  Deanna heard major whispering in the boy’s room.

TEAM 1 STRIKE FORCE consisted of Sue and Casey.  TEAM 2 ENTITY SWEEP consisted of Greg, Angela and Ox.  Floaters: Deanna and Paul.  Casey was picking up on a previous owner, possibly with the name Edward George.  Casey feels that Edward George is definitely connected to the house.  Casey and Deanna felt strange energy in the backyard and they both centered on the same spot.  During our briefing, everyone heard footsteps on the 2nd floor.  No one was on the 2nd floor.  The investigations, consisted of two 30 minute investigative sessions with the teams trading locations during the two investigative sessions.  After each investigative session, there is a briefing with the occupants, explaining to them what we may have found or not found.  Of course we look for natural explanations to the phenomena that the occupants are witnessing.  Deanna was picking up on the #7 and Casey was picking up foot pacing with 7 steps, as if an entity was pacing itself, measuring 7 steps (going back and forth).  During the 2nd investigative session, we obtained 9 EVPs.
One EVP was captured in the front yard and it was a woman saying “yeah!”  Other EVPs were captured in the kitchen and a strange storage area in the bathroom, where Deanna felt there may be a portal.  You can hear the EVPs we captured in the videos above.  

Deanna and Casey conducted a metaphysical cleansing of the house and I conducted a Roman Catholic House Blessing.  The investigators felt that the house was clear.  Alicia felt there may be one more entity hiding out somewhere.  I explained to Alicia on how to self bless her home.

Candace/Danielle: Evil entity attached to daughter’s husband. The entity goes through his shoulder to his mouth. When he is possessed, his eyes blacken and in Hawaii he choked a girl and almost killed her. His 3 year old daughter may have an attachment, they found a frog that was dismembered in her room and skin peeled off the frog. The daughter had an imaginary friend and that imaginary friend choked the daughter. Big black mass seen in house. Things move underneath the daughter’s bed sheets and grabbed her feet.


By Paul Dale Roberts aka The Demon Warrior
Halo Paranormal Investigations
Sacramento Paranormal Help

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