Sunday, July 19, 2020

Who Gets the Ventilators in Costa Rica?

The Costa Rican Social Security Fund has had to prepare for making tough decisions in worst case scenarios that might arise as covid-19 cases increase. These protocols are not meant to alarm the public rather to assure that all patients are treated equally.

If it gets to a point where hospitals are collapsing and there are not enough ventilators or ICU beds for all the patients, a protocol must be in place to avoid doctors individually making the decision of who to give them to, as this would be morally difficult for the doctors and could lead to discrimination.

According to the protocols, the ventilators are to go to the patients with the highest probability of survival. The decision will be made purely based on survivability, and not be influenced by age, race, sex, nationality, ideology, or social condition.

The tool is called Bioethical Guidelines for the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic. A third version of it will be presented next week. The document is a tool, a guide, to prevent unfair decisions and inadequate management of limited resources.

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