Saturday, March 28, 2020

Costa Rica in Phase 3 of Coronavirus

There are 4 phases of transmission of the new coronavirus and Costa Rica is in phase 3. The phases are defined by the World Health Organization and are used to compare what is happening in different countries.

Phase 1 means there are no cases at all in the country. Phase 2 is where there are imported or very sporadic cases. Phase 3 is where there are clusters of cases but they are identified and isolated. Then phase 4 is where the virus is being transmitted constantly.

In Costa Rica, the first confirmed patients were 18 days ago. There are now six conglomerates that remain. Almost all of the clusters have a clear origin which allows for better containment and prevention of further transmission.

There are 17 new cases that are still under investigation. If it turns out that one or more of them do not have a clear link to a known case, then that could mean that the country has moved into phase 4 which is a faster contagion phase.

Please stay home as much as possible and practice constant hygiene.

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