Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Midtown Sacramento Haunting

Date to be there: February 22, 2020, Saturday. Time to be there: 6pm. Address to be at: XXXX F. Street, Sacramento, CA Contact Person: Taylor St. Mary/Paloma Pompei. Message from Taylor: “Hello! I am writing about a house my friends and I used to live in on xxth and F street in downtown Sacramento. I have since moved out, but my friends still live there. We have all been experiencing paranormal activity there for the past 8 or so years. We were informed that a woman actually died in the house in the 70s. Myself and my other roommate have actually seen her once at night. We wanted to have some professionals come out to check the house out and let us know what is truly going on there.” Talked with Taylor and learned that pictures are taken off the wall. Footsteps are heard. Things sound like they are falling. Clothes thrown around. Paintings found taken off the wall and placed at the foot of the bed.

To get the full story of the haunting activity at this house, just watch the videos above this article and get the full scoop from the occupants and friends of this home.  It’s all there.  What I will tell you is about the history of Midtown Sacramento and what could possibly be haunting this home.  I will also tell you about our exciting investigation of this home.


We conducted two investigations of this home, with a briefing after each investigation.  We didn’t feel there was anything evil in this home, but there was one room in this home where the atmosphere felt thick.  Using dowsing rods to locate the entity, the dowsing rods lead me to the stairs to the room that we felt a thickness at and lo and behold, the dowsing rods crossed over indicating where the entity was and we capture an EVP of a man whispering, you can hear that EVP in the videos above this article.  Deanna and Jessica see an old woman in the patio/backyard area and we capture an EVP of an old woman that sounds like she is singing…”hellooooooooooooooooooo.”   GHOST IDENTIFIED: GRANNY GOOSEBUMPS.   The reason why I call her Granny Goosebumps, is because 1. She is an old lady.  2.  When I heard her sing “hello”, it instantly gave me goosebumps.  Deanna picked up on elemental energy in the back yard.  Angela captured photos of what might be an entity’s foot next to an investigator.  The investigator in the photo also has something weird on her shoulder.  Angela takes a picture of herself at the mirror and there is something weird on her mouth.  Two of the occupants heard a woman humming in the house and Deanna and I, were outside and captured an EVP of a woman humming.  This all happened at the same time when the occupants heard the humming and we recorded the humming.   Deanna and Angela saw a flash of white light appear for a micro-second in the kitchen area. 


Okay, let’s look and see what notables (famous and infamous) that hung around midtown.  Virgil Edwin Earp, lived in midtown.  Virgil was the nephew of Wyatt Earp.  Virgil was once a lawman for the Sacramento Police Department and is buried at the old city cemetery in Sacramento.  Serial Killer Dorothrea Puente lived on F Street.  Haunted Sutter’s Fort is near this residence.  Lynette “Squeaky” Fromme of the Charles Manson family lived in midtown for a while.  Squeaky was the one that pointed a gun at then President Gerald Ford.  Serial Killer Morris “The Handyman” Solomon killed 6 women from Oak Park and midtown.  Theodore “Ted” Kaczynski aka the Unabomber was stalking out places in and around midtown and other parts of Greater Sacramento.  So, you see, midtown has plenty of history and for someone to tell me that this house is haunted, I believe them.  Tonight we proved that this house is truly haunted, it was a good investigation!


By Paul Dale Roberts aka The Demon Warrior
Halo Paranormal Investigations
Sacramento Paranormal Help

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